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Pain Recognition in Laboratory Rodents - do you see what you could (should) see?

Wednesday, 18. December 2024
Virtually conducted course (with Zoom)
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M-21 – English

Pain Recognition in Laboratory Rodents - do you see what you could (should) see?

Learning Objectives, Form, Scope, Content and Target Audience

It is quite easy for a doctor to find out from his patient whether he/she is in pain or not - the patient can express himself and is usually understood. Our animals also express themselves when they are in pain - but do researchers understand this expression of pain? For example, how does abdominal pain manifest itself in a laboratory mouse? Do you see everything you could (should) see?


The participants will learn:

- To recognize different qualities and quantities of pain in laboratory rodents

- How pain influences experimental results.


The one-day workshop will combine lectures and practical training on video footage and is aimed at researches working specifically with animals potentially in pain and those wanting to learn more about the species they are working with in general.

Course Fees

Universities in Switzerland: CHF: 250.-
Industry, external person and institutions from abroad: CHF 380.-


Please note that we will charge you the full fees in case of a late cancellation of the course (within 3 weeks before start of the course) or in case of absence. It is the responsibility of the participant to inform the organizer of the course about the cancellation before the deadline of 3 weeks before the course to avoid the billing of the course. To charge for cancellations is common practice by other providers, too. The new proceedings for education courses became necessary due to an increasing extent of short term cancellations in training modules.


This course is recognized as one day continuing education in Switzerland by the Federation of Swiss Cantonal Veterinary Officers (VSKT).


Insurance is responsibility of each participant.