Anmelden für M-23 – English

Preparing an application for animal experiments

For UZH/ETH affiliated persons only!
Wednesday, 1. October 2025
Zürich, ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg
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M-23 – English

Preparing an application for animal experiments

only for UZH and ETHZ collaborators

The aim of the animal experiment application is to obtain approval for an animal experiment. However, writing an animal experiment application is not trivial. The ethical and scientific background of the research work and methodological details must be clearly defined and precisely described. The devil is often in the details, or the same mistakes are made again and again.

This continuing education module tries to help here. Problematic aspects are discussed and typical mistakes are revealed. In addition to an improved understanding of the application process, participants will learn some practical hints and tips.  

Speakers at this module are the Animal Welfare Officers of the University of Zurich and of the ETH Zurich as well as representatives of the Animal Experimentation Commission Zurich.

Course language


Target group

Experimenters, study directors and resource managers of the University of Zurich and of the ETH Zurich only; max. 30 persons.


This course is recognized as one day continuing education in Switzerland by the Federation of Swiss Cantonal Veterinary Officers (VSKT).

Course fees

Fee-less course for people from ETH Zürich and University of Zürich.